Relationships Support

Reconnect to each other

Communicate, Explore and Heal Your Relationship

Relationships take work. Life can bring about challenges and change which can leave you feeling disconnected from your partner. Feeling as though you are walking different paths.

I work with you both to facilitate communication that allows each of you to be heard.

To discover both shared and individual values, needs and wants within the relationship both physical and emotional.

To learn how to work through conflict without blame and to be able to voice your thoughts without lingering over past hurts.

So whether you simply want to refresh your relationship and take it to the next level or you need to heal from more complex issues - I offer a safe space in which to do so.

Using techniques such as mindful and conscious living approaches, with some good solid straight-talking, I bring my experience as a Therapist, a trained mediator and a Celebrant into the room - alongside my own life experience of marriage, separation, divorce, new relationships and blended family environments.

PS... I only work with couples who are committed to working through the process - this is not about forcing an outcome and assuming all will be well - but it's about putting the techniques into practise with a commitment to honesty and openness.

Each person will have a session individually followed by a minimum of 2 sessions together.

Programme 1 - Couples Therapy and Coaching

Working with you both individually and together - Addressing challenges, building communication skills, healing and allowing choice of your next path.

There is no expectation of outcome just a safe place to explore what this looks like going forward. 

  • Individual session each £75 per person

  • Couples sessions - £85

** please note couples need to agree to at least 1 individual session each first and 2 sessions together.

Programme 2 - Discover Your Relationship Platform Together

For couples that want to explore their relationship further. Using my 4 -step approach to building a solid foundation in your relationship and paving the way for a healthy and harmonious relationship together – learn to truly connect.

A really useful approach for those taking their relationship to the next level of living together, marriage or children. 

4 x 90-minute sessions - £480

Programme 3 – The Intimacy Programme 

It is quite common for couples to find that intimacy changes over time and sometimes becomes less than a priority.  Whilst you share so much with your partner talking about your intimate and sexual relationship together is often not done – you don’t know where to start or you feel uncomfortable. 

  • How do you address it?

  • How do you say what you like and what you don’t?

  • How do you get restarted if things have stopped for a while?

  • How do you make it feel pleasurable less pressurised? 

Work with me over 6 weeks specifically looking at how to gain that reconnection with each other.

A safe and confidential space for you both to work together and re-build this important part of your relationship. 

6 x 1-hour sessions £425

Dive Deep and Work It Out! – Half Day Resolution and Repair Sessions

Sometimes it can really work well to just get into the detail and spend time working through those issues. Often couples feel they start to make progress then time is up so this option is for those that really want to get to resolution on some specific stuff.

Spend a half day with me and get the work done.

Have time to really reflect on each others point of view, look for solutions and don’t feel rushed to reach agreements.

Leave the session with clear goals, agreements and tools to take forward.

I don’t promise this will be the only session or everything will be fixed .. but I do know that these sessions are powerful to really make progress.

This session includes:

  • Jungian Profiles
  • Values Profiles
  • Communication techniques and a how to take this forward outside of session.
  • Time to clarify what’s really going on
  • Deep dive on behaviours which are preventing real repair
  • Making a new rules of engagement agreement
  • A Solution focused approach.
  • 4.5 hours dedicated 121 time with me.

All of this for just £427.00 . So, if you really want to make a difference to your relationship then why not message me to enquire about a half day session with me.

Jungian Couples Report 

Use the power of Jung to discover your wants and needs and create a new way to communicate with your partner  - Click here to book. £150

Baby, Infant Loss and Infertility Support

  • Specialist, compassionate support following the loss of your child. From miscarriage to 1 year old.
  • Support when you decide to try for another baby and throughout pregnancy
  • Guided emotional support through the discovery of infertility and the decisions made for infertility treatment

Supported with training from The Foundation for Infant Loss.

Click here for further information.

“When I met Ali I was broken. So many events had led me to a place that was filled with fear and anxiety. Ali helped me to move on from that place and start to build a new future.”
121 Therapy for Anxiety
“Ali helped me to see what was important, to value myself, to find a way to bring back me after being a mum and a wife for so many years. She brought back my confidence!”
The Reconnection Programme
“Ali saved my life! - So many things I had put in a box. Ali let me see they did not define me. Now I cry less and laugh a lot more!”
121 Therapy: Depression and Past Trauma Recovery
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