
TMI – Let’s Get Some Boundaries Back !

I did a social media post recently on the concept of TMI in people’s relationships – which is ironic because I think due to social media, we have a case of TMI. But here’s my thoughts all the same. It seems that we have very few boundaries in place nowadays. And this leads to conflict […]

Are You Controlling Your Partner?

This always feels a tad controversial because we so often hear about controlling partners and looking for those red flags… but quite often when we do some self-reflecting, you might realise that you are actually controlling your partner. Whilst a controlling partner will often deliberately put obstacles in place everyone of us will have some […]

Dating in a Whole New World!

.. plus a few insights into my on line dating experience ! Dating today is a lot different to when I first dated. And even though I did meet my now husband online it was over 14 years ago when there were just a few sites and people still actually met in person as well! […]

Know Yourself First. Honestly it’s Key!

As an analytical therapist my goal is to help individuals look in themselves and see what they are feeling, what they are bringing to the table and how they are being impacted and why … in couples sessions this can be a bit of a change for those involved as they are often in a […]

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word….

Conflict or Rupture is a part of all relationships – no one has a relationship that never needs some attention. If conflict feels too big a word think more about debate, discussion, difference of ideas or wants or needs. For the most part it happens organically – people can often find themselves in the middle […]

No Compromise Here!

Compromise makes a relationship right? Well not for me. I don’t like let alone love compromise and here’s why … It sounds negative. It sounds like 1 person has needed to give something up. And I know from sessions it can often be seen this way as well. ‘I’m always having to compromise’ is a […]

Micro Cheating? What Even Is This?

This is another new word coming into fashion especially in our more open relationship world… but really it can apply to any agreement or commitment so firstly what exactly is micro cheating? Micro cheating is when you do something small that breaks the rules of engagement … when you do something which you know your […]

An Open Relationship ?

So much is being talked about in the open relationship space  … the term consensual non monogamy or the new monogamy – throuples, pods, polyamorous – it’s all happening – but what does it mean nd how do you get t started exploring this. So, let’s start with the clear difference about what happens when […]

Let’s Be Sex Positive !

I had a really interesting conversation with a friend the other day. She mentioned how for many of her friends’ intimacy between them and their partner didn’t really happen. And when it did it felt like a chore – they would do it once a month to get it over with, they never wanted to […]

Make It A Priority!

This weekend was my birthday weekend, and I am very blessed to have a husband who aways puts a lot of thought into what to do and what to get. In return I do the same – although honestly, I feel I am much easier to buy for than him – but that’s another blog […]

Filters and Red Flags

Red Flags – these are behaviours / actions / traits in people that are really to help us filter in and out people – and to think about whether to proceed with caution! They can be very personal to you and not so serious or they can be real warning signs. These more serious red […]

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Conflict is Not Communication

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