Discover Your Jungian Archetype

What do you show the world and who are you truly within?

Unlock the secrets to a healthy relationship through the work of the forefather of psychology

We are all familiar with Psychometric Tests such as Myers Briggs, but before this all started Carl Jung introduced the concept of different characters within us – Archetypes which helped us understand who we are in the world.

  • The Who We Are Within – Our Self

  • The Who We Display to Others – Our Persona

  • And our Shadow Side – the side that holds our ego and parts of us we keep hidden

Using this within therapy can help clients to gain an insight into themselves and now we can use it on a separate basis, outside of the therapy room, to help us in our everyday lives. 

  • What drives you?
  • What motivates you?
  • What strengths do you bring to the table?
  • What behaviours do you need to be aware of that may hold you back?

Through your Archetype you can look to gain healthier relationships with yourself and with those around you. 

Building better communication and finding ways to bridge differences.

Mini Report £25.00

Request a questionnaire – fill in the details and answer the questions and receive back your personalised Archetype insight

Full Archetype Discovery Report including 121 Discovery Session £50.00

Receive an in-depth report and work with me on a 121 basis to really understand what this means for you and how you can make the best use of it going forward.

Deluxe Archetype and Relationship Session including 121 Discovery Session and Relationship Audit £110.00

Combining the full Jungian report and 121 with a relationship audit based on my 4 Concepts of Relationship - diving deep into your relationship and creating a new found connection.

Couples Questionnaire £150

Discover Your Jungian Language in Love - a combined report for you and your partner creating a new way to communicate and understand one another.
“When I met Ali I was broken. So many events had led me to a place that was filled with fear and anxiety. Ali helped me to move on from that place and start to build a new future.”
121 Therapy for Anxiety
“Ali helped me to see what was important, to value myself, to find a way to bring back me after being a mum and a wife for so many years. She brought back my confidence!”
The Reconnection Programme
“Ali saved my life! - So many things I had put in a box. Ali let me see they did not define me. Now I cry less and laugh a lot more!”
121 Therapy: Depression and Past Trauma Recovery
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