Baby, Infant Loss and Infertility Support

Care and support following the loss of your child and through subsequent pregnancies

Tailored Support after the loss of your baby during both pregnancy and first year of life and support for subsequent pregnancies.

‘There is no loss comparable to the loss of a child – a grief like no other’
The Infant Loss Foundation

Most people go into the decision to have a baby full of joy and hope – never thinking that it will not be a wonderful outcome .. and yet for many this decision is life changing in a devastating way.

In the UK 4 babies in every 1000 are still born and in 2018 it was reported that 250,000 pregnancies ended in miscarriage. ...and yet the loss of a baby or infant is still very much a taboo subject.

Whilst some couples and individuals receive wonderful care and support many are left wondering where to go and how to get through.

Additionally, when parents decide to try again there is so much emotion carried through with this decision and the subsequent pregnancy .

In 2007 my first son was still born following diagnosis of Edwards Syndrome – it changed the course of my life forever… 7 years on I went on to have my next son and whilst it was a ‘normal’ pregnancy, and he was born a healthy 6lb 10 the pregnancy itself was extremely stressful.

Both experiences saw me receive some wonderful care but also some lack of support and some thoughtless actions (often well-meant but misjudged).

And many couples discover that they cannot conceive a child naturally leaving a gap in their world – again it is not spoken about enough and can lead to feelings of grief, loss and shame even. The decision to have medical intervention or look at other options is extremely stressful and also physically draining with no guarantee of success.

Recently I felt it was time to try and bridge the gap of support in some way – so I added to my therapist training by working with The Infant Loss Foundation who train professionals across a range of roles including midwives, Dr’s and counsellors about some of the specific support that can help parents at these times.

In these sessions you can find support for:

Infant Loss: (miscarriage onwards)

  1. A safe space to simply be and be heard.
  2. A place to explore your grief and emotions.
  3. Looking at ways of remembering your child.
  4. A place to talk about the impact on your relationships with self , your partner and others.
  5. Compassionate support for when pregnancies are ended due to medical reasons.

Subsequent Pregnancies:

  1. Deciding to try again – discussing your emotions and concerns.
  2. Support through the pregnancy to handle anxieties and stress which may occur

Infertility Support

  1. Working through the discovery and acceptance of infertility as a diagnosis.
  2. A place to talk through the different options we may be offered
  3. A safe place to share emotions as you go through the treatments or options and the outcomes.

Every experience is different – mine will not be the same as yours and it has taken me many years to feel ready to bring this into my therapy practise – but having somewhere to go and talk can be one of the most vital support tools available.

Message me for a free initial consultation.

“When I met Ali I was broken. So many events had led me to a place that was filled with fear and anxiety. Ali helped me to move on from that place and start to build a new future.”
121 Therapy for Anxiety
“Ali helped me to see what was important, to value myself, to find a way to bring back me after being a mum and a wife for so many years. She brought back my confidence!”
The Reconnection Programme
“Ali saved my life! - So many things I had put in a box. Ali let me see they did not define me. Now I cry less and laugh a lot more!”
121 Therapy: Depression and Past Trauma Recovery
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