Award-winning relationship therapist and Celebrant
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Step Into The Relationship Arena

In Life, Love and Business. Life is all about relationships - discover how you can create healthy, harmonious relationships throughout your world.

Relationships – they are all around us and how we interact with them and feel about them directly impacts our world.

So many of those external symptoms such as stress, anxiety, imposter syndrome, loss self-confidence – they all start with how we view relationships – starting with the most important one the one with ourselves but impacting all the relationships in our world.

I work with my clients to build healthy, harmonious relationships across their world. All using the science of psychology and Jung alongside a sprinkle of spirituality.

Living and Loving Your World!

I can support in the following ways

I can support in the following ways

Self Support

(Personal 121 support)

• Finding peace from stress, anxiety and or trauma
• Discovering and embracing your true self – breaking those limiting behaviours and habits.
• Exploring why you find yourself in certain relationships and feel the way you do,
• Creating healthy boundaries to form harmonious relationships with others
• Stepping back into the world of dating
• Specialist support for young women aged 11-18 – Roaring 4 Life

Relationships Support


• Building communication platforms with your partner
• Navigating challenges in your relationships together
• Re-discovering intimacy in your relationship
• Supporting decisions about how to move forward or move on.
• Specialist support in baby and infant loss and support for subsequent pregnancies


• Exploring the relationship with your business and making it work for you.
• Creating goals and motivators that will hold you accountable to yourself
• Providing insight into teams and team-working
• Talks and workshops on leadership and the psychology of business, teams and wellbeing.


• Creating ceremonies that honour andcelebrate your life and relationships
• Handfastings and Weddings
• Funerals and Celebrations of Life
• Namings and Family Celebrations

Why not book a free 20 minute discovery call and find out which support is best for you ...take a first step to feel Reconnected in your world.

Ali Moore

Award-Winning Relationship Therapist Coach and Celebrant
Author of Reconnect Your Life

In Her Own Words

Relationships are all around us – from our relationship with ourselves to how we interact with other in both our personal and business lives. 

They are also ever changing. For me, understanding how my relationship with myself has been formed and shaped over the years and how this has impacted my outward behaviours towards others was a life changing experience.

Now I help my clients do the same – creating healthy and harmonious relationships across their world.

I am committed to empowering my clients to feel their best and embrace their true self.

Initially I trained as a Coach whilst working in one of the most successful business on the planet – coaching their senior team leaders to success - I loved coaching, but having gone through some serious life transformations myself including bereavement, separation, divorce and severe anxiety, I also discovered the power of Psychotherapy and after being encouraged to re-train I know it was the missing piece to creating a way to really empower my clients to shine. 

Through this training I became fascinated with our behaviours towards ourselves and to others. I firmly believe relationships is where the magic can happen.

Ali is the author of best seller Reconnect Your Life - based on her successful Reconnection Programme.

Ali lives in a beautiful cottage in Kempston ‘The Three Fishes’ with a very patient hubby – which is also where the Bemoore HQ sits within the grounds. Together they are parents / co parents of 5 wonderful headstrong and independent children spanning an age gap of 24 years and a crazy sprocker called Reggie with currently 2 diva ducks in resident. 

Experience & Qualifications

  • BSc Honours in Behavioural Psychology
  • Advanced Diploma in Evidence Based Psychotherapy
  • Approved Integrative Sex and Couples Therapist (Diploma Status)
  • Certificate of Training from Infant and Baby Loss Foundation inc loss, subsequent pregnancy and infertility
  • Advanced Diploma in Coaching
  • Diploma in Mindfulness Based Practise from British School of Mindfulness
  • CIMA Approved Diploma in Jungian Therapy and Archetypes
  • Member of the British Psychological Society.
  • Elected Chair Person for The Association for Evidence Based Psychotherapy
  • Accredited Independent Civil Celebrant specialising in Spiritual Celebrancy
  • Member of the Association of Independent Celebrants
  • Accredited Pagan Celebrant
  • She is an expert contributor to media such as BBC3 Counties, The Daily Express and Thrive Global and guest expert for Woman's Own and Sheerlux magazines. Ali is also author of best -selling personal development book – Reconnect Your Life in 30 Days and her 90 Day Journal

Relationship Support

Are you feeling that something’s not right in your world?

Has something big happened in your life – or is something from your past holding you back?

Are you suffering with anxiety and stress?

Or have you simply got disconnected from who you are?

Is your relationship with your partner in need of some nurturing?

Or perhaps you feel disconnected from each other?

You’re not alone. We are surrounded by messages telling us how we should be, how we should act, and what we should have. It’s no wonder that so many of us can feel out-of-sync with who we are, and who we want to be.

At Be Moore Therapy, I can help you to reconnect with your true self, which then makes your path ahead clear – aligned with your values, and achieved with purpose and intention.

To get there, we begin in the most important place: your relationship with yourself, and your past, present and future.

I also work with Couples to help you both understand how to communicate, build a solid relationship platform and make healthy decisions about your future together.

...additionally there is a specific programme for young women aged 12-19.

“When I met Ali I was broken. So many events had led me to a place that was filled with fear and anxiety. Ali helped me to move on from that place and start to build a new future.”
121 Therapy for Anxiety
“Ali helped me to see what was important, to value myself, to find a way to bring back me after being a mum and a wife for so many years. She brought back my confidence!”
The Reconnection Programme
“Ali saved my life! - So many things I had put in a box. Ali let me see they did not define me. Now I cry less and laugh a lot more!”
121 Therapy: Depression and Past Trauma Recovery

Discover Your Jungian Archetype

Unlock the secrets to a healthy relationship through the work of the forefather of psychology. Are you a Warrior, a Lover, a Sage or even a Magician.

What do you show the world and who are you truly within?

Click on the link to find out more and be one of the first to reserve your report  – Uncover your Jungian Archetype and take a step towards healthier and happier relationships in your world.

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