Keeping it Fresh for August!

August is the month for ‘Keeping Romance Alive 😊’ – it’s also the relaunch of my website … so it’s all about keeping things fresh …

And keeping it fresh in your relationships is vital to ensure you stay strong together and avoid the killer of all things romantic and passionate – complacency!

Initially relationships are all exciting and you are actively looking to find out things about each other – each experience comes with questions and observations … each date is chosen with the thought of whether your partner would like it and would you enjoy this together.

As time moves on you begin to relax in each other’s company. It can be easy to simply fall into the world of comfortable.

Whilst this gives a sense of security in the relationship it also takes away the need to focus …

You develop routine, life takes over, mundane jobs need to be done – living happens to us … and we can often be simply along for the ride.

And suddenly you are aware that things are starting to appear a tad ‘stale’…

This can happen in any relationship – with yourself – yep you just go with the flow and realise it was ages since you did something out of your comfort zone or treated yourself or allowed yourself to stop and listen for a while.

With your partner – once security falls into place we forget those initial days and sometimes it feels like they or we have lost interest.

And with your business as well – you are all up and running and busy in the doing – planning and creativity take a back seat.

So, this August it’s time to focus on keeping it fresh … take a moment to just do that all important relationship audit and look at the way you feel about those important relationships in your life.

  • What is working?
  • What needs spicing up?
  • What conversations need to happen?
  • What would lift you?
  • Are you creating interest in this relationship?

Here at Living and Living I am focusing on creating some great resources to help you look at those relationships and navigate your way through.

So here’s to a new way of looking at relationships and a new fresh face of my business 😊

For Relationship Support click on the Work with Me Link to review all the different options -or contact me for a free initial consult.

Plus join my free Facebook group especially for women in business – supporting all relationships in our world.

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