Category: Long Term Relationships

Micro Cheating? What Even Is This?

This is another new word coming into fashion especially in our more open relationship world… but really it can apply to any agreement or commitment so firstly what exactly is micro cheating? Micro cheating is when you do something small that breaks the rules of engagement … when you do something which you know your […]

An Open Relationship ?

So much is being talked about in the open relationship space  … the term consensual non monogamy or the new monogamy – throuples, pods, polyamorous – it’s all happening – but what does it mean nd how do you get t started exploring this. So, let’s start with the clear difference about what happens when […]

Let’s Be Sex Positive !

I had a really interesting conversation with a friend the other day. She mentioned how for many of her friends’ intimacy between them and their partner didn’t really happen. And when it did it felt like a chore – they would do it once a month to get it over with, they never wanted to […]

Make It A Priority!

This weekend was my birthday weekend, and I am very blessed to have a husband who aways puts a lot of thought into what to do and what to get. In return I do the same – although honestly, I feel I am much easier to buy for than him – but that’s another blog […]

Marriage is a Practise

Such an interesting phrase I came across lately. It was referenced by the fabulous Dr Tammy Nelson and of course it is not just marriage but referring to long term relationships (LTR’s) in general. When it says practise it doesn’t mean you are on a trial run – although there is a view form those […]

Let’s Talk About It!

It been a real theme since the start of the year – couples/ relationships who feel uncomfortable talking to their partner about their intimate needs. And they are not alone! 42% of individuals who were asked if they could have these kind of conversations stated they didn’t feel about to really talk about it.  … […]

Normal Versus Want Versus Reality

The Relationship Conflict Within You. If you thought searching for that relationship one was already difficult enough, here I go about to give you some info which will dive into that even further – so apologies in advance for that 😊! I hate to break it to you, but your mind is already in conflict […]

Your Partner Is Not Your Everything!

Here’s the thing .. you meet someone , you fall crazy in love, you want to spend all your time with them .. it feels amazing! And as you get to know each other love changes from those heady hormonal stages to becoming friends, companions  – life starts to happen – every day stuff  and […]

The Conflict Recipe

Conflict – it happens in most relationships – whether it’s loud and shouty or it’s general disagreement or you both skirt around the issue in a passive aggressive kind of manner – it’s conflict and sometimes it creates healing and resolution when things get brought up and other times it escalates or drags on – […]

Love Languages- Are You Speaking the Same Language?

It’s a common theme in the clinic room – It’s a communication breakdown – but strangely enough talking may not be enough. Because communication is so much more than conversation! While it may sound a bit cliché there is actually a set of love languages – and the science shows that how people like to […]

Relationships Take Work!

This month I have been reminding individuals that relationships – they take work! And it seemed appropriate in December, as on the one hand it’s a key proposal month, but on the other hand it’s when more marriages split than any other … the new year is always a busy time for my family law […]

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