Know Yourself First. Honestly it’s Key!

As an analytical therapist my goal is to help individuals look in themselves and see what they are feeling, what they are bringing to the table and how they are being impacted and why … in couples sessions this can be a bit of a change for those involved as they are often in a space of looking outward and thinking about what the other person has done or said.

And yes, it takes two but so often difficulties ins relationships and communication are coming from a place which an individual has brought into the relationship space. So, understanding your self-relationship is vital. We often refer to this as the baggage you care carrying.

Knowing what matters to you, why you react to things the way you do, what you need and want … so many things that can help you navigate relationships in calmer waters if you dived into them and looked at self-first.

It’s the same when people come to me to get back into dating or wonder why dating isn’t going great. They often are carrying a lot of shopping bags with them and wondering why their shop window isn’t getting customers! (my next blog looks at this is more details)

When we step into the Arena, we get a chance to put down those bags of stuff we have accumulated and decide what is working for us and what is not.

One of the tools I use is Jungian’s Archetypes. The original psychometric designed by Carl Jung. Through a series of questions, you discover which of the 12 archetypes or characters are dominant for you -they all have different character traits and personalities and will have formed at a young age.

  • Are you a Jester? – wanting to have people around and enjoyment – fearing conflict.
  • Are you a Sage? – a thoughtful learner needing to be understood and having understanding for others?
  • Perhaps you are a Caregiver – requiring a purpose to serve others and great at seeing what others need?  

The more we understand what we bring into the arena the more we can reflect on what happens in relationships with others. Our self-relationship shapes how we feel about the world around us and the people in it, it helps us make choices and sometimes holds us back. So of course it shapes our relationships I every aspect.

You can find out your Jungian archetype and get a full report – and different ones are available (self, couples, business) 😊 Starting at just £25… Discover Your Jungian Archetype |

For support in all relationships live love and business why not book a free initial consultation –

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