Category: Understanding Yourself

Filters and Red Flags

Red Flags – these are behaviours / actions / traits in people that are really to help us filter in and out people – and to think about whether to proceed with caution! They can be very personal to you and not so serious or they can be real warning signs. These more serious red […]

Keep The Summer Vibe Alive!

Be Your Own Life Coach!– Kieran Fitzpatrick –ADHP FIAEBP So the summer is coming to an end and the evenings are drawing in. And with the darker days and evenings people often and naturally feel less energetic and optimistic and sometimes begin to find it difficult to keep up activities that they were involved in […]

Normal Versus Want Versus Reality

The Relationship Conflict Within You. If you thought searching for that relationship one was already difficult enough, here I go about to give you some info which will dive into that even further – so apologies in advance for that 😊! I hate to break it to you, but your mind is already in conflict […]

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