Category: Thoughts on Life, Living and Loving

Micro Cheating? What Even Is This?

This is another new word coming into fashion especially in our more open relationship world… but really it can apply to any agreement or commitment so firstly what exactly is micro cheating? Micro cheating is when you do something small that breaks the rules of engagement … when you do something which you know your […]

Keep The Summer Vibe Alive!

Be Your Own Life Coach!– Kieran Fitzpatrick –ADHP FIAEBP So the summer is coming to an end and the evenings are drawing in. And with the darker days and evenings people often and naturally feel less energetic and optimistic and sometimes begin to find it difficult to keep up activities that they were involved in […]

Living and Loving Your Relationships

So, it appears it has been a while since my last blog – I believe I mentioned back in August that we had just then lost my mum … and since then life has been very much off kilter. I have planned restarts and then lost momentum or motivation. It is only in the last […]

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