
Keeping it Fresh for August!

August is the month for ‘Keeping Romance Alive 😊’ – it’s also the relaunch of my website … so it’s all about keeping things fresh … And keeping it fresh in your relationships is vital to ensure you stay strong together and avoid the killer of all things romantic and passionate – complacency! Initially relationships […]

Living and Loving Your Relationships

So, it appears it has been a while since my last blog – I believe I mentioned back in August that we had just then lost my mum … and since then life has been very much off kilter. I have planned restarts and then lost momentum or motivation. It is only in the last […]

A Foundation to Support The Future Generation

All this month I have focused my social media on the Foundation we run as part of Bemoore. It’s been quite a journey and a real learning curve getting to the point we are now – ready to welcome our first funded 121 placements and taking on two coaches to help us widen the reach! […]

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Conflict is Not Communication

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